“Ford versus
Ferrari is exhilarating high-speed drama and this true story have enough torque
to blow you away. Its based on a real-life story about the Ford Motor Company
to create a car fast enough to beat the Italian car maker Ferrari who's dominated
the 24-hour LeMans race he also recruits a hard-nosed driver to give his racing
team the advantage to finally take down Ferrari and how they do it, well that’s
what gonna blow your mind.”
The story focuses on
Ford motor company which is struggling to compete in market. As a means to
boost their car sale Lee Iacocca (VP Ford) suggest Henry Ford II to
purchase crash-trapped Ferrari to participate in ‘24hr Le Mans race’ as Ferrari
has existing presence. But Scuderia Ferrari joins hands with Fiat, rejecting
Fords deal also intentionally insult both Ford Motor Co. & Henry Ford II.
In response Henry Ford II ordered his development division to design a race car
to defeat Ferrari at Le Mans which is existing champion. And to do this nearly
impossible job Lee Iacocca hire Former Le
Mans champion Carroll Shellby (Owner of Shellby American) & Shellby enlist Ken
Miles a hot head british racer. And that’s how Ford vs Ferrari rivalary begins and rest is the history. As I mentioned nearly impossible
because, It’s impossible to design a race car in time of few months, also to
defeat ongoing champion in Track as well as Technology with that same car.
A big factor that
really contributes to movie is the quality of performances, especially from
Matt Damon and Christian Bale. These characters felt so real. They felt lived
in if you had a little sense of history, otherwise just google the names and
you won’t regreat it. Damon as the smooth-talking legend struggling to find a
middle-ground between two very different approaches to racing and Bale as the
hot-headed, but incredibly skilled
mechanic and racer. But, it is when these two characters are together that they
are at their best. They are so different, but complement each other extremely
well and the history and friendship between the two really shines through.
Having a believable set of characters to provide the backbone of a story like this is important.
Well, let me tell you
this movie does not disappoint. When it comes to sporting events, I really can’t
think of anything that ís more magnificient than watching cars drive around in
circles and the thrilling roar. Car races in movies are obviously a bit more exciting
than what we see on tv, but still there is
only so much you can do with it. Seriously, if they had filmed all 24 hours of
the Le Man in this style, I would have enjoyed watching it. This movie doesn’t
use the same two or three camera angles of the cars that you see in almost
every other racing movie. There are shots during these racing sequences Live
never seen before. More often than not, you are right in the car with them and
it makes for some incredibly exciting sequences. The visuals and cinematography
during the racing portions of this film are fantastic.
Ford v Ferrari is a period
piece, so it’s got that 60s aesthetic we have come to expect from a movie like
this, but it’s also full of these wonderful, but subtle shots that I think
might go under people’s radar, especially when compared to the action-intensive
racing scenes. Things like perfectly framed reflections in a character’s sunglasses. “There was one shot that really
stood out to me as exceptionally well done. It comes about halfway through the
movie and Miles is working on a car alone at night. He is in a hangar at an
airstrip and he ís surrounded by other cars
& works in progress. And as he works, he ís listening to a race on
the radio. We hear the announcers and the sounds of cars speeding around a
track and at that moment a plane turns out of another hangar, casting a lot of
light into the hangar that Miles is working in which puts all these shadows on
the wall from the cars around him. And, as it turns, it gives the illusion that
these shadows are moving like the cars in the race he ís listening to are. It ís
a really quick moment, but this movie is full of little things like that really
help to raise this one a bit higher than
other similar movies. I was engrossed and really invested in the story.”
let’s talk about the pros and cons.
Pros: 1. It has definitely gotta be the racing sequences. Ford v Ferrari is distinctively different when it comes to filming and editing these racing sequences. It also has a ton of shots from within the car. This gives us unique angles of the driver and a view of everything that goes on inside during a race, but I think more importantly, it physically puts us inside the car.
performances,most notably Matt Damon and Christian Bale as Carroll Shelby and
Ken Miles, respectively. These are both high-caliber actors, so we expect good
performances from them. And that is what we get : good performances.They just
feel like regular guys. Regular guys who built and drove cars that could go 200
miles per hour.
I especially liked performance of Christian Bale where he struggles with faulty
door in First Lap and Trying to make lead. He acted with such a conviction as
you could feel his dilemma, to which car drivers definitely gonna connect with.
Also couple of scenes where he makes you feel thrill of controlling brake
failed/faulty car.
Cons: The only issue I really had was
the thin family relationships. The characters are a bit underdeveloped and the
relationships between Miles & his wife feel paper thin. Maybe that ís how
it really was with his family.
I would recommend Ford v
Ferrari to two types of people. The first and probably most obvious is to fans
of cars and racing. If you know about these cars and these people, and these
races, then you are gonna enjoy this.You get to watch the design and testing of
the GT40. It ís got some technical stuff and obviously focuses on a car story,
but this is a surprisingly accessible movie that even somebody who ís not into
cars will enjoy. If you liked Ford v Ferrari, I would recommend Rush. It’s
another period racing film with some very intense race sequences that focuses
on a real life rivalry. If you want some more Le Mans action and donít mind an
older, fictional story, you might want to check out Steve McQueen in Le Mans.
Well, I have two questions for you, number
one: Have you seen Ford v Ferrari? If so, what you think of it? And number two:
What ís your favorite racing movie? Be sure to leave your answers in the
comments below.
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